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What If Pets Had Thumbs?

March 1, 2022

There’s a pretty cute pet holiday coming up this week. If Pets Had Thumbs Day is March 3rd! This is definitely one of the sillier observances on our calendar … or is it? Given that opposable thumbs have played such a huge role in the advancement of the human race, one has to wonder what Fido and Fluffy would do if they suddenly woke up with the ability to grip things? A Rockwall, TX vet offers a few ‘petucated’ guesses below.

Cupboard Raid

This one probably isn’t a big surprise. Fido would be very interested in food, and would happily sample everything in your fridge. Fluffy would empty your drawers just out of curiosity, and would probably tear up your important papers just to be a jerk.

Video Games

There’s a pretty good chance that many of our patients would take a sudden interest in video games. After all, this pastime would allow your pet to indulge both their love for comfy sofas and their natural prey drive at the same time. Man’s Best Friend would probably go for classics like Duck Hunt, while Fluffy may prefer something like Sonic or Tetris.


Fluffy and Fido don’t always see eye to eye, but this is one area where they may very well meet in the middle. Many dogs enjoy fishing the old-fashioned way: by literally catching fish in their mouths. However, your four legged pals may try their hands—or paws—at using fishing poles.


Dogs and cats can—and do—get along, but they aren’t usually bffs. In fact, our canine and feline pals often get pretty jealous of each other. We suspect that many of our patients would love to get rid of their furry roommates. All they’d really have to do is toss a toy or treat outside and then lock the door!


It’s probably safe to assume that many of you would be in serious financial trouble if your pets figured out how to order things online. What do you think dogs and cats would buy? Fluffy would probably order live fish, catnip, pet furniture, toys, beds, and some random kitchen appliances. She’d also want to keep the boxes. As for Fido, he’d probably go for lots of food deliveries, as well as toys, bones, and tennis balls.

Is your pet due for an exam? Contact us, your Rockwall, TX animal clinic, today!